As we are closing in on the end of 2023,  it is a time to reflect on the past year and to look ahead to the new year.

In 2023 we were pleased to welcome 15 new members to Geocaching NSW, bringing the total number of members to 406.

This year, Geocaching NSW organised 9 events, more than ever before in its history. We were pleased to see our events being well-attended with lots of positive feedback. 

Highlights were the Kosciusko Expedition in February, the Great Aussie Keytag Trek on Cockatoo Island and the revival of the GIFF which saw our Victorian geocachers win the people’s vote for most popular video. Of course we concluded the year with our traditional Christmas event, this year at Brooklyn with the announcements of GOTY.  Also worth mentioning is the launch of our new website with a much needed new and modern look.

What will 2024 bring us? We are looking forward to another exciting geocaching year. The committee has a number of events planned, kicking off with the event at Wasp Head on January 13th, celebrating the first ever EarthCache, followed by our annual geocaching expedition which will lead us this year to Wagga Wagga in the last weekend of February.   More events are planned later that year, so keep an eye out for further announcements through social media and our website. Or add our event page to your favourites. This page updates automatically each day and shows all published NSW events, noteworthy national events as well as unpublished GCNSW events.

Early 2024, the committee will be evaluating the GOTY, taking onboard the feedback it has received and seeking further suggestions from our members.

Together with the Oz-Mega Committee, we will also continue preparations for our first mega-event in NSW, to be held in January 2025. Stay tuned for more information coming to you in the year ahead!

On behalf of all committee members, Geocaching NSW wishes all our members and non-members a merry Christmas with their family and friends and a great start of 2024!