25 years of Geocaching

In 25 short years, geocaching has come a long way. From a handful of hides shared on forums to over 3 million geocaches hidden all over the world, this hobby has evolved into a pass time that allows the tech geeks to enjoy the outdoors.

Australia has always been at the forefront with our first cache hidden within days of the first one in America and the first published Earthcache located in NSW in 2004.


To bring together the story of Australian geocaching in one place as a celebration of 25 years of the hobby across 2025. This will be achieved through wide consultation with the geocaching community to uncover stories and items that have meaning to their local communities and combine to tell an overarching story.

The audience for this project is primarily geocachers, but it will also serve as a way of preserving information that may be drawn upon for future research.


  • Physical display of geocaching memorabilia displayed at the Sydney Block Party 2025 venue (and possibly tour to other major events within Australia during 2025)
  • A book collecting together stories of geocaching in NSW available for purchase at the Sydney event, with a template available to other states to replicate over the year
  • Oral histories from geocachers of significance supported by the Geocaching Downunder Podcast

Who is managing the project?

Eva Blanda (ziggiau) will be compiling and curating the project in conjunction with Geocaching NSW. This collection will be undertaken by a team of volunteers. If you’d like to help, get in touch.

How can you get involved?

Click on the item below to find out more about each element and access submission forms.

Museum / Gallery Item

We are seeking Items of significance or interest to Australian geocaching. This may include, but not limited to:

  • Containers that have a story 
  • GPS devices – tech changes
  • Log books/sheets – especially from significant caches
  • Remains of caches that have survived
  • Amazing Swag
  • Flag, bags, badges, shirts and stuff from events
  • Clever camo – with a story

We are looking for written submissions from all over NSW that summarise the history of their area. This could be stories of great, important, significant or memorable caches of your area.

You’ll also have the chance to submit photos here too in coming months.

Do you know of someone, who has fantastic geocaching stories to tell? They might be an early adopter, current or former reviewer, creative container builder, or main advocate for geocaching in your area.

Send through your recommendation and we will chase them up.