
Nomination have been received, members and non-members have voted and all ballot papers have been counted.
Without further delay here are the winners for Geocache of the Year 2022-2023:

  • Winner: Yass TB hotel (GC9M59D) by Sui_001
  • Runners up: Lansdowne Marbles (GC9Z46Y) by Team737 and
    URBAN OASIS (GC9QCGX) by 2qt2bstr818

Multicaches/Series of caches:

  • Winner: The Bushranger’s Legacy (GC9M6X5) by barefootjeff
  • Runners up: Stepping through Rumbalara I – Reborn 🍃(GCA0H6A) by Kavaju and
    GeoMystery Club (Series) by bjldb_geocacher


  • Winner: Adrenalin Addiction – Underground II (GC9ZNMA) by The Rats
  • Runners up: Arcane 👽 (GC9M1RW) by SeaEegles and
    Chudles Puzzle Format (CPF) (GC9ZEP1) by chudles
EarthCache/Virtual Cache/Adventure Lab:
  • Winner: Mt Orient Creek Speleothems (GC9KN6Q) by Asbestiform
  • Runners up:: Paddys River Falls (GC9P5Q0) by skullracing and
    Subduction! (GC9TKE8) by injuryman
Historic Caches:
  • Winner: Dark Side of the Moon (GCCA6) by Team Chaos
  • Runners up: It’s a hit! (GC74H7H) by asbestiform and
    Pigeon’s Loft (GC10FNZ) by The Rats

Congratulation to all winners and the runners up!!!

If you need a refresher on these great caches, or like to learn more, please go to this geocaching list which has all finalists. Make sure to add these great caches on your todo list and see what it is all about.
Keen on also being nominated for Geocache of the Year? Create a cache that is unique, on a special location and above all a cache that is a notch above all the other caches.