Geocaching NSW hosted a meet ‘n greet event on Sunday 23rd of June in Galston, in Sydney’s leafy North West. After the rainy Saturday we were relieved the rain had stopped and we even noticed a strange yellow glow in the sky.
A good turn-out of geocachers from all over Sydney and the Central Coast for some pleasant geochatting. We were pleased to welcome our newest Geocaching NSW member: foreignnebula.
After the event, a smaller group went to the nearby Elude Escape Rooms for their outdoor puzzle activity ‘Stumped’. We were welcomed by former geocachers Darren and Julia, our Elude hosts. After splitting up in groups of 3 or 4 persons, a range of fieldpuzzles had to be solved. The puzzles were well thought out, and not too difficult for the experienced geocachers. A phone app helped keeping track of progress and could also provide hints (although attracting a time penalty).
Once back at the starting point, scores were compared. Team ‘Bradley’s Helpers’ took first prize with a time of just under 66 minutes. The wooden spoon went to ‘The Crazy’s’ with a time of 123 minutes. Thirsty and hungry, a smaller group drove to nearby Galston for a well deserved meal!
All in all, we look back at a successful event. Big shout out to our committee members Mighty Minions and Calypso62 for organising this event.